The Perfect Tea for us- A recipe for a beautiful evening!

3 min readAug 29, 2021

This is going to be a recipe as to, how to make a tea and have a beautiful evening sipping it with your parents, friends, loved one’s, or even alone. I remember when I was in class 4th, I studied a short story, which tells the tale of a village in China, how tea was discovered when it accidently fell into a pot of boiling water, rejuvenating and making them feel fresh and relaxed.. Perhaps, it’s true that, tea is indeed an energy spiking drink. The warm copperish color drink vanishes millions of people’s headaches and ailments. The best part of making and drinking tea is experimenting! There’re lots of varieties of tea and personally, I’m a fan of brown one. Never thought I would ace the art of making tea, which many of them find it difficult to make a cup. So, here’s a beginner’s guide how to brew tea! But before that let me cue you that this is how I make tea for myself and my family and they just love it :)) So give it a shot and let me know whether that made your tongue say ‘’This is what I was searching for” :p



Recipe curated by- Anakha Krishnan.


1. A Sauce pan

2. A cup (the cup which you use to drink tea)

3. A teaspoon

4. Milk (of course)

5. Tea powder/ Tea leaves

6. Sugar ( :)

That’s’ it!


1. First of all we’ll prepare the milk and water ratio. The ratio I take is less than half a cup of milk and water to the point where the final tea should stand. You may fill it to the brim if you wish your tea to be less creamy, but what I find perfect is the former.

2. Once you’ve mixed the creamy-creamy milk (slurps) and water as instructed, you’re ready to pour the miscible to the the sauce pan.

3. Repeat the steps as per the servings.

4. Boil it till the milk rises.

5. Add sugar as per your sweetness, usually I add 3 tablespoons for four servings.

6. After a minute, add tea powder/tea leaves, again 3 teaspoons for four servings

7. Cover the tea and let it stay on the stove for another minute

8. Strain the tea using a strainer and pour the delicacy into your favorite cup!

9. Tada! It’s ready. Isn’t it easy than you heard about it’s intricacies?

Bonus: Top it with some froth and yumm!!

Do try this and let me know :)

This was a baby step towards stepping out of my comfort zone to explore creative writing.

Until next time, Ciao!

Hello everyone,
I hope this post finds you well. How many of you love sipping tea? Most of us right? How many of us have really made one? A very few. So, being a die hard fan of tea, I took my lappy and sat down to write the recipe of the tea that I usually make! So, do try out my recipe and let me know your valuable feedbacks.
Ps: I’m not an expert at cooking but since I make this daily and some of my friends find it difficult to make a cup of tea, I took the courage to share the recipe :) but trust me it’s not that bad.
This was a baby step towards stepping out of my comfort zone and exploring the wide and myriad broadways to creative writing.

If you like my blog do check out other posts too!
Until next time


Originally published at on August 29, 2021.




Reader and often writer. Actually both!